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The Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the World Customs Organization (WCO) Asia/Pacific (A/P) Regional Contact Points (RCP) was held at the Shangri-La’s Fijian Resort and Spa, Yanuca Island, Sigatoka, Fiji from the 9th to 11th November, 2016.

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The 18th World Customs Organization (WCO) Asia/Pacific Regional Heads of Customs Administration (RHCA) Conference was held in Suva, Fiji from 14 – 16 March, 2017 at the Great Council of Chiefs Complex.

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On the 17th – 19th November 2015, the Royal Malaysian Customs Department (RMCD), as the current Vice Chair for Asia Pacific hosted the 25th Regional Contact Point Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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With the support of Directorate General of Customs and Excise of Indonesia, the 27th Administrative Meeting of National Contact Points (NCP) of the WCO Regional Intelligence Liaison Office for Asia and the Pacific (RILO A/P) was held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 15 to 17 September 2015.

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Nineteen officers of Royal Malaysian Customs Department (RMCD) participated in the WCO RILO A/P Expert Mission Training held from 11th to 13th August 2015 at Royal Malaysian Customs Headquaters, Putrajaya. Four officers of RILO A/P and one officer from Korea Customs Service were the trainers for the course.

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General Administration of China Customs (GACC) organised and hosted the “Connectivity and Win-Win Development Forum for Heads of Customs along the Belt and Road” in Xi’an, Sha’anxi Province, China on 27 and 28 May 2015. The event was attended by more than 60 countries, international organisations, regional institutions and business representatives.

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The 125th/126th Annual Sessions of the WCO Council was held in Brussels from 11th to 13th June, 2015. Mr. Zouhair Chorfi, the Director General of the Moroccan Customs Administration, chaired the session which was participated by Directors Generals of Customs representing 180 Members of the WCO.

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In response to Members in the Asia/Pacific region’s growing concern over counterfeiting and piracy, a WCO Regional Workshop for Asia/Pacific Region Combating Counterfeiting and Piracy was held at the Berjaya Hotel Times Square in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 20th - 22nd April, 2015.

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The Concept Note of Project Customs Anti-Drug Strategy (CADS) provides that the WCO Vice-Chair for the Asia/Pacific region should report the activities of Project CADS to the WCO Enforcement Committee meeting which is held annually.

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Royal Malaysian Customs Department (RMCD) in her capacity as the WCO Vice-Chair for the Asia/Pacific region and Hong Kong Customs co-hosted the 1st Meeting of Regional Anti-Drug Expert Group (RAEG) under Project Customs Anti-drug Strategy (CADS) in Hong Kong, China from 5th – 6th March, 2015.

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WCO/UNEP organized a workshop on Joint Regional Risk Management: Preventing Illegal Trade In Environmentally Regulated Goods from 6th to 10th April 2015. The course was conducted at the Royal Malaysian Customs Academy (AKMAL) and funded by CCF/Korea.

The 16th World Customs Organization (WCO) Asia/Pacific Regional Heads of Customs Administration (RHCA) Conference was held in Melbourne, Australia on 6th February, 2015. For the Asia/Pacific region, the 16th RHCA Conference was the first regional heads conference to be held annually...