On 12 August, Indonesia Customs and Excise Training Center in collaboration with ROCB A/P were successfully held the 2nd International Customs Webinar Series entitled “Customs Collage: Customs Collaboration beyond the Edge”. The topic of the webinar was “Capacity Building at the Turning Point: Challenge the Tradition or Embrace Transformation”.

The webinar aims to contribute to the capacity building activities in the Asia Pacific region which was attended by almost 180 participants from various organizations and institutions, not only Indonesia Customs Officials, but also distinguished guests from ROCB A/P, 18 country representatives in the region, and Saint Lucia Customs and Excise officials.

The webinar started with the opening remarks by Mr. Rionald Siliaban, Chairman of Financial Education and Training Agency. Mr. Silaban highlighted that FETA must be able to fulfill the demand of the learning programs, particularly during the pandemic. He added that it is necessary to formulate learning programs effectively in a way of achievement the learning goals and efficiently in terms of cost, resources, accessibility and time. He summarized that the digital transformation learning places the important role in establishing our learning cultures.

WCO Asia Pacific Vice-Chair, Mr. Heru Pambudi, also conveyed a remarks upon the webinar. In his opening, he highlighted the function of Capacity Building in Customs Administrations can increase the ability of knowledge and skills of Customs Officials as well as improves the organizations’ performance to stay relevant within a rapidly changing environment. He also emphasized that, the procedures and programs must be able to adapt with the current situation and this webinar is a good initiative to adapt the new way. This program is also in line with the commitment of WCO Asia Pacific Vice-Chair to strengthen cooperation among members and regional bodies through capacity building.


The webinar continued with a presentation given by Mr. Norikazu Kuramoto, Head of WCO ROCB A/P. Mr. Norikazu conveyed a brief explanation about ROCB A/P Capacity Building programs and how to maximize the leverage of the workshop effectiveness. He also emphasized that ROCB A/P responds to the current situation and challenges under COVID-19. It will support and arrange virtual workshop as well as keep resuming face to face workshop. As he said, both workshops deal with different challenges, thus strengthening publications and information sharing as the supplemental effort is required. At closing, he ensured that ROCB A/P has been committed for delivering many workshops for A/P Members as possible in this following year.

The second presentation was delivered by Mr. Zaenal Imtihan, Deputy Director of Learning Delivery of Indonesia Customs and Excise Training Center. In his presentation, Mr. Imtihan explained about the learning transition implemented in CETC. The rapid development of information technology, the adoption of Corporate University strategy by FETA and the outbreak of COVID-19 massively contributed in shifting the learning policy and programs of CETC, from conventional into e-learning programs. It can be seen as of July 2020, CETC has held 47 e-learning programs. Mr. Imtihan also admitted that there are several major challenges in organizing online learning, however, conversion the policy is not an option, and it is necessity.

The webinar was summed up by closing statements from Mr. Kuramoto and Mr. Imtihan. Both speakers agreed that digital learning process was the best option and should be adopted properly in this following year.