26th January 2022 - Thai Customs Department celebrated the International Customs Day (ICD), a day designating the establishment of World Customs Organization (WCO) commemorated annually on 26 January, with the slogan “Scaling up Customs Digital Transformation by Embracing a Data Culture and Building a Data Ecosystem” to dedicated the efforts of Customs administrations to accelerate digital transformation.

For this year, a total of 25 Customs officials who have demonstrated their commitmentsto the 2022 slogan were selected and awarded with the Certificates of Merit from the World Customs Organization (WCO). However, to follow the COVID-19 Prevention Measurements, the number of participants at the Customs Department had to be limited to only Customs executives and awarded Customs officials from the Customs offices locating in Bangkok and Metropolitan region, while awarded representatives from Regional Customs Office 1-5 joined the event through Video Conference via Zoom.