A WCO accreditation workshop for English-speaking Technical Operational Advisors in the area of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) implementation was held at the Royal Malaysian Customs Academy (AKMAL) in Melaka from 10th to 14th November, 2014. The workshop was attended by 14 selected participants from 10 Members the Asia/Pacific region and funded by Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF) Japan.
The WCO AEO Accreditation workshop was part of WCO strategic approach to provide a wider access to AEO Technical and Operational Experts (TOA) and to ensure their qualified services under WCO AEO support activities.
During the 5 days intensive workshop participants from Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore demonstrated their skills and abilities as experts in the area of AEO implementation. The workshop was facilitated by the WCO Secretariat; two WCO experts from Malaysia and Singapore; and also officers from WCO Asia/Pacific Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB A/P).
During the evaluation session of the workshop, several representatives from Malaysia’s Private Sectors which included Industry Association and AEOs accredited companies were invited to attend the session. The purpose of this session was to assess the participants ability to educate/convince the private sector on the AEO implementation.
A participant from RMCD, Ms. Jamilah Binti Hamid had been identified as having clear potential to be an AEO Technical and Operational Expert which qualifies her to undergo Phase 2 of the accreditation process which is a WCO in-field mission where she will be assessed for full accreditation.