A ten-day workshop on leadership and management development has been held for the senior level staff of the Maldives Customs Service. The workshop was conducted from 5 to 16 April, and was participated by 20 officers from the Senior Operation Management Team.

The closing ceremony of the workshop was held this afternoon, in which all the participants were awarded with the certificate of completion. Certificates were distributed to the participants by the chief guest, Commissioner General of Customs Mr. Abbas Adil Riza.

Speaking at the ceremony, Commissioner General thanked the World Customs Organization for their continued support in the development of MCS manpower, proudly declaring that this was the first such training held exclusively for the entire senior level staff of an organization in the Maldives.

Commissioner General called upon his management team to engage in forward thinking rather than solely relying on solving day-to-day issues. He also emphasized on the need to induce change and affirmed his commitment and support in collectively taking this organization to a new level.

WCO Leadership and Management Development (LMD) workshop was designed to expose participants to a series of modern management practices and to plant the seed for them to develop their individual leadership qualities.

Two leadership experts from WCO were present to deliver the workshop.