Mr Liah Bin Omar, Deputy Director of Customs (Narcotics) of Royal Malaysian Customs Department (third left) and the Assistant Commissioner of Hong Kong, Mr David Fong (third right) speaks at the Opening Ceremony of the Core Group Meeting of Project CADS.
Between 23 and 24 October 2014, the WCO Asia/Pacific (A/P) Vice-Chair (Royal Malaysian Customs Department) and Hong Kong Customs co-hosted a Core Group Meeting on Project CADS to devise a Concept Note for serving as a blue print for the implementation of the Customs Anti-drug Strategy (CADS).
The Concept Note on Project CADS includes:
· Establishing a Regional Anti-drug Expert Group (RAEG);
· Organizing regional anti-drug activities; and
· Advocating regional anti-drug initiatives at global level.
Following the endorsement on the Concept Note at the 24th WCO A/P Regional Contact Points Meeting held in Malaysia in November 2014, the Regional Anti-drug Expert Group (RAEG) under Project CADS has been established and will hold its 1st Meeting in Hong Kong from 5 to 6 March 2015. The meeting will focus on prioritizing Members’ capacity building needs on drug enforcement and developing an Annual Plan of Project CADS.
Participants at the meeting actively discuss the Concept Note on Project CADS