The 26th Administrative Meeting of National Contact Points (NCP) of World Customs Organizations (WCO) Regional Intelligence Liaison Office for Asia and the Pacific (RILO AP) was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka between 11 and 13 November 2014 sponsored by Sri Lanka Customs. The meeting was attended by 30 delegates from 17 Member administrations, six delegates from international organizations such as WCO, RILO ECE, RILO ME, RILO WE, ROCB AP and UNEP ROAP and one Israel Customs Attaché in Beijing as an observer.
The meeting was started with welcoming remarks by Mr. Jagath Wijeweera, Director General of Sri Lanka Customs. He warmly welcomed all the delegates to Colombo and hoped this meeting would be successful and all the participants would enjoy their stay in Colombo. Mr. Ryu Seong Hyeon, Deputy Head of RILO AP, expressed his gratitude to Sri Lanka Customs for hosting this annual meeting and thanked all the delegates for their presence. He highlighted the importance of cooperation between Customs to facilitate information and intelligence exchange.
During the three-day meeting, delegates successfully completed the meeting’s comprehensive agenda which covered the full range of activity being undertaken in the region such as CEN, Joint operations, Drug trafficking, Environmental crimes and etc, as well as held discussions on the range of new issues. It should also be acknowledged that the meeting further developed cooperative relationships and friendships among regional members. This atmosphere of cooperation will be reflected in the successful customs enforcement of our customs administrations in the future.
RILO A/P & Sri Lanka Customs