From 10 to 14 November, 2014 the World Customs Organization organized an accreditation workshop for English speaking Technical Operational Advisors in the area of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) implementation at Royal Malaysian Customs Academy (AKMAL), Melaka. This workshop gathered 13 selected participants from the Asia/Pacific region and was funded by Customs Cooperation Fund of Japan.

During the 5 days intensive workshop participants from Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore demonstrated their skills and abilities as experts in the area of AEO implementation. The session was facilitated by the WCO Secretariat; two WCO experts from Malaysia and Singapore; and also officers from WCO Asia/Pacific Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB A/P). The evaluation session was jointly facilitated by Malaysia’s Private Sectors which include Industry Association and AEOs accredited companies.

The workshop was a major achievement for the Asia/Pacific region as it aimed to increase pool of experts in the region. All participants successfully passed the programme at different level of grades as a first step of becoming WCO AEO Technical Operational Advisors (TOA). They will soon be invited to participate in the WCO mission to complete their accreditation process.