The Deputy Director General of Customs (Management), Dato’ Abdul Rahman Bin Othman (center) with Malaysian delegates


The Deputy Director General of Customs (Management), Dato’ Abdul Rahman Bin Othman was re-elected as the Vice-Chair for the WCO Capacity Building Committee during the last 6th Session of the committee in February, 2015. Dato’ Abdul Rahman was first elected as the Vice-Chair of the CBC during the 5th CBC session in March, 2014. In the last election process, Dato’ Abdul Rahman was nominated by South Africa and seconded by Thailand, Vietnam and Japan. These countries mentioned Malaysia’s active role in capacity building activities in the Asia/Pacific region as a factor in nominating and supporting Dato’ Abdul Rahman as the Vice-Chair for the CBC.

Delegate from Norway, Mr. Per Avid Nordli was elected as the Chairperson of the CBC upon nomination by Canada and seconded by Sweden and Mozambique.


The 6th Session of the WCO Capacity Building Committee (CBC) was held in Brussels from 23rd February  to 25th February 2015 with the theme “Starting with the End in Mind: Quality Implementation by Focusing on Results”. The WCO Deputy Secretary General, Mr. Sergio Mujica officiated the CBC 6th Session. In his opening remark, he reminded the  delegates that this was a critical moment for Customs administrations following the adoption of the WCO Agreement on Trade Facilitation.  He reiterated that the WCO was well positioned to assist its Members in the implementation of TFA provisions and highlighted the Mercator Programme developed by the WCO to assist WCO Members in this respect.


During the 6th Session of the CBC, the Committee endorsed/approved the followings:



  • The new format of the CB Delivery Report that provided an overview and snapshot of activities as well as focused case studies from each of the six WCO regions;
  • The current work being undertaken by the Secretariat in reviewing the WCO accreditation process and refreshing the (Accredited Customs Experts) ACE database;
  • The new Chapter 5 and the additions to Chapter 10 of the WCO Capacity Building Development Compendium related to Project Management and Donor Engagement;
  • The format and content of the Top Executive Retreat events; and
  • The recommendation from WCO Policy Commission that the CBC ToR should be amended to include all members of the PSCG.

In the closing of the meeting, several delegates took the floor to express their gratitude and appreciation to the Chairperson, Ernani Checcucci who had ended his tenure as the Chairperson of the CBC.  Delegates also took the opportunity to thank Mr. Erich Kieck, who would end his tenure as the Director of the Capacity Building Directorate at the end of the year.