On 9th December 2014, the Government of Malaysia and the Government of United States of America signed an MoU on Mutual Assistance on Customs Matters. The objective of the MoU was to strengthen, promote and develop cooperation and mutual assistance on matters pertaining to Customs between both parties and to strengthen mutual understanding and communications. Even without a formal arrangement there had been bilateral relationship and cooperation between Royal Malaysian Customs Department (RMCD), US Customs and Border Protection (US CBP) and US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (US ICE). With the MoU, the scope of the bilateral cooperation would be further enhanced and strengthened to safeguard the interest of both countries and promote mutual assistance on customs matters which, among others include:

Þsharing of information regarding each Party’s Customs procedures, best practices and experiences,

Þassisting each other in training and human resource development

Þinformation exchange

Þproviding assistance in conformity with each country’s respective Customs law, regulations and procedures in matters relating to investigation of Customs offence.

Signing the MoU on behalf of the Government of Malaysia was the Honourable Datuk Hj. Ahmad bin Hj. Maslan, Deputy Finance Minister while the US Government was represented by His Excellency Mr. Alan Bersin, Assistant Secretary of US Department of Homeland Security.

The signing of the MoU showed the commitment of both countries in fostering cooperation and closer relationship and it would provide an avenue for future engagement in strengthening the cooperation related to trade facilitation, enforcement and capacity building initiatives.